The Quest...

If you are reading this, you may well be aware of the secrets within secrets.  Or perhaps you have stumbled upon this journal by accident.  In either case, you are part of the story now.  Step a little closer.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Read on, Questers!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Quest for the Golden Prim Podcast - Episode 1: Saffia Widdershins and PJ Trenton

Welcome to a behind the scenes look at The Quest for the Golden Prim! Please join me, Gabrielle Riel, to discover the mysteries of the making of the web comic, as I interview the creators, writers, producers and cast of The Quest for the Golden Prim. The time for at an end!

In this first episode, Gabrielle Riel speaks with Saffia Widdershins and PJ Trenton about some of the inspirations that created The Quest!

You can listen to The Quest for the Golden Prim Podcast via any of the following methods:
  • Direct link to the show on, where you can listen to it as a stream or download the audio file directly
  • Subscribe on iTunes
  • Subscribe using our RSS feed
Thank you for listening to The Quest for the Golden Prim Podcast!

Meet The Cast of The Quest TODAY at The Primgraph Summer Garden Party!

Here is your invitation to the Primgraph Summer Garden Party!

It will take place from 2 - 4pm on Saturday 29th August, at The Primgraph Press, Caledon Glengarry, and music will be supplied by the velvet-toned Mr Elrik Merlin.

In addition to music and dancing, there will be a chance to meet members of the cast of the web comic - The Quest for the Golden Prim - and discover some interesting information about the story!

This event also marks the opening of The Primgraph Press itself - and our offices will be open for you to explore!

Finally, we will be announcing the results of the First Annual Caledon Rose-Growing Competition, sponsored by the Primgraph - so don't miss it!

In an exciting new development, The Primgraph is uniting with Radio Riel to bring The Quest for the Golden Prim to the air waves, in the form of a regular podcast.

Coming out in parallel with each issue of The Primgraph (and thus each episode of The Quest for the Golden Prim), the podcast will feature interviews with cast members and the writers and designer of the Quest - snippets of gossip and even radio excerpts from the comic.

So tune in to Radio Riel at 1pm to hear the first podcast - or watch this space for more details on how you can download it from the web!

And don't forget The Primgraph Summer Garden Party

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Caledon Rose-Growing Competition

Fans of the Quest for the Golden Prim may find this contest of interest ...

One of the charcaters in the Quest will be making his first appearance here - but we're not going to tell you WHICH character!

And at The Primgraph Summer Garden Party, where the results will be announced, readers will have the opportunity of meeting members of the cast.

The Garden Party is 2:00 – 4:00 pm SLT, Saturday 29 August – in the grounds of the Primgraph Press, Caledon Glengarry: - but don't worry; you'll be getting a formal invitation!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the story continues...

Episode two of the Quest for the Golden Prim is now available in issue No. 7 of The Primgraph, which has just hit news stands! You have been patiently waiting since we left Sir JJ Drinkwater in his secret study drafting mysterious whom?

Find out as your read the latest installment in our adventure! The Primgraph No. 7 available at

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coming this weekend!

The new edition of The Primgraph will be published this weekend - and inside will be the latest episode of The Quest for the Golden Prim!

Our hero can't wait for his copy - can you?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Coming soon!

The next exciting instalment of The Quest for the Golden Prim will be appearing soon in Issue 7 of The Primgraph magazine. Make sure that you don't miss it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Episode 1 now available as a standalone

Episode 1 of The Quest for the Golden Prim is now available as a standalone web comic on Calameo.

And there are sample pictures from Episode 2 on the back page!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Coming soon ...

The next exciting instalment of The Quest for the Golden Prim will be appearing soon in Issue 7 of The Primgraph magazine. Make sure that you don't miss it!