And – as the party begins, we suspect that some – at least – of the Fugitives will be safely under lock and key!
We're combining a party to celebrate the return of the steampunk/gaslamp fantasy webcomic, The Quest for the Golden Prim with a Jail and Bail event to raise funds for Relay for Life at the Fabulous Fantasy Faire.

Volume 1 ended with the majority of the Quest attempting to fly before the explosion ... their fate left hanging in the balance ... and their destinatuion somewhat hazy ...
Now we will be serialising Volume 2 on our new website at www.goldenprim.com - and we are planning to release a new installment each week, accompanied by games and contests.
So do come and join us from 2pm - 5pm today, to celebrate the relaunch of the comic, to explore the amazing Explorers' Club, and to donate some Lindens to a very good cause!